Well, here is Hugi #28 at long last. 630k of articles. Have fun.
A few thoughts about the demo scene: Creative youth communities like this one do have some advantages. A minor aspect is that it keeps people off the streets. A major aspect is that people gain knowledge and skills at computers that are useful - or maybe one ought to say essential - at school, university and at work. Demo parties and chatting may also contribute to the development of social skills, although only in a rather limited way. What's fascinating about the scene is that it's multinational. On the one hand, you learn how to deal with people of various nations in this way. On the other, it's ideas that count in the scene rather than national origin, and thus you get accustomized to the changing demands of the working market due to globalization.
What's important for a young man or woman to learn is that you have to be sensible, openminded towards new developments and you have to develop critical faculties. Another especially important skill is to keep an overview, learn things by working your way up from the bottom, not skipping details, and base your decisions on thorough reasoning rather than intuition.
Like always, we would like to ask you for your feedback. Write what you like, what's missing, and what ought to be different. Continue to support Hugi with articles.
I wish all of you a happy new year 2004.